JQHe Research Group

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Prof. Dr. Jiaqing HE,
  • Brief Introduction
  • Research Interests
  • Educational Background
  • Professional Experience
  • Honors & Awards
  • Selected Publication

Prof. Dr. Jiaqing HE,

  • Office: College of Science P4101
  • Email: hejq@sustech.edu.cn
  • Mail Address: College of Science P4101, 1088 Xueyuan Blvd., Nanshan District, ShenzhenGuangdong, P.R.China

Jiaqing He is a Chair professor at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). He received his joint Ph.D. degree in physics from both Juelich Research Center and Wuhan University in 2004. He was a post-doctor at Brookhaven National Laboratory (2004–2008), research associate (2008–2010) and research assistant professor (2010–2012) at Northwestern University, and a professor at Xi'an Jiaotong University (2012–2013) and SUSTech (2013-2019). His research interests include transmission electron microscopy, thermoelectric materials, and structure and property relationship. 

◆ Transmission Electron Microscopy

◆ Thermoelctric Materials

◆ Structure and property relationship

◆ Ph.D. in Physics, Wuhan University and Germany Juelich Research Center, 2004

◆ B.S. in Physics, Wuhan University, 1998

◆ 2019-Present, Chair Professor, Southern University of Science Technology, China

◆ 2013-2019, Professor, Southern University of Science Technology, China

◆ 2012-2013, Professor, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China 

◆ 2010-2012, Research Assistant Professor,Northwestern University, USA

◆ 2008-2010, Research Associate, NorthwesternUniversity, USA

◆ 2004-2008, Postdoc fellow, Brookhaven NationalLaboratory, USA

Second Prize of Natural Science by the Ministry of Education, 2017

Second Prize of Natural Science by the Shenzhen Municipality, 2017 

First Prize of Natural Science by the Shenzhen Municipality, 2022 

(1) B.H. Jia, J.Q. He* et. al., Pseudo-nanostructure and trapped-hole release induce high thermoelectric performance in PbTe,  Science, 384(2024) 81.

(2) Y. Lu, J. Q. Heet. al., Staggered-layer-boosted flexible Bi2Te3 films with high thermoelectric performanceNature Nanotechnology, 18(2023)1281.

(3) B.B. Jiang and  J.Q. He* et. al., High figure-of-merit and power generation in high-entropy GeTe-based thermoelectrics,  Science, 377(2022) 208.

(4) B.B. Jiang and J.Q. He* et. al., High-Entropy Stabilized Chalcogenides with High Thermoelectric Performance,  Science, 371(2021) 830.

(5) L.Xie and J.Q. He* et. al.First-principles study of anharmonic lattice dynamics in low thermal conductivity AgCrSe2: Evidence for a large resonant four-phonon scatteringPhysical Review Letters125(2020)245901.