249. Baohai Jia, Yi Huang, Yan Wang, Yeshiyuan Zhou, Xiaodie Zhao, Suiting Ning, Xiao Xu, Peijian Lin, Zhiquan Chen, Binbin Jiang*, and Jiaqing He*, Realizing High Thermoelectric Performance in Non-nanostructured n-type PbTe, Energy and Environmental Science, 15(2022)1920-1929(PDF)
248. Yixin Zhang, Qing Lou, Zhne-hua Ge*, Shiwei Gu, Junxuan Yang, Jun Guo, Yuke Zhu, Ying Zhou, Xiaohua Yu, Jing Feng*, and Jiaqing He*, Excellent thermoelectric properties and stability realized in copper sulfides based composites via complex nanostructuring, Acta Materialia, 233(2022)117972 (PDF)
247. Fudong Zhang, Di Wu* and Jiaqing He*, The roles of grain boundaries in thermoelectric transports, Materials Lab, 1(2022)220012 (PDF)
246. Mengyue Wu, Lujun Zhu*, Shixuan Liu, Mingzhen Song, Fudong Zhang, Pengfei Liang, Xiaolian Chao, Zupei Yang*, Jiaqing He and Di Wu*, Significantly Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance Achieved in CuGaTe2 through Dual-Element Permutations at Cation Sites, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14(2022)30046-30055 (PDF)
245. D. S. He, Y. Huang, B. D. Myers, D. Isheim, X. Fan, Y. Deng, L.Xie, S. Han, Y. Qiu, L. Huang, V.P. Dravid, J.Q. He*, Single-element amorphous palladium nanoparticles formed via phase separation, Nano Research, (2022)12274(PDF)
244. Z. Sun, H. Dong, Q. Yuan, Y. Tan, W. Wang, Y. Jiang, J. Wan, J. Yang, J. Wen, J. Yang*, J.Q. He, T. Cheng, L.M. Huang*, Self-supported hierarchical crystalline carbon nitride arrays with triazine-heptazine heterojunctions for highly efficient photoredox catalysis, Submitted, Chemical Engineering Journal , 435(2022) 134865 (PDF)
243. Z. Wang, Q. Gao, W. Wang, Y. Lu, K.F. Cai*, Y. Li, M. Wu, and J.Q. He*, High performance Ag2Se/Ag/PEDOT composite films for wearable thermoelectric power generators, Materials Today Physics, 21(2021)1000553 (PDF)
242. T. P. Ding , Y. Zhou, X-Q. Wang, C. Zhang, T. Li, Y. Cheng , W. Lu , J.Q. He, and G.W. Ho, All-soft stretchable thermogalvanic gel fabric for anti-deformity body heat harvesting wearable, Advanced Energy Materials, 11(2021)2102219 (PDF)
241. S.B. Hu, Y. Zhu, W. Han, X. Li, Y. Ji, M. Ye, C. Jin, S. Hu, J. Wang, J.L. Wang, J. Q. He, C. Cazorla*, and L. Chen*, High-Conductive Protonated Layered Oxides from H2O Vapor-Annealed Brownmillerites, Advanced Materials, (2021) 2104623(PDF)
240. (Invited)Y. Huang, X. Xu, D.S. He*, and J.Q. He*, Site Determination of Mn Atoms in Sn-Mn-Te Alloy by Electron Channeling Enhanced Microanalysis, Applied Physics Letters , 119(2021)243906 (PDF)
239. (Invited)J.P. Sun, Z. Shu, J. Yang, T. Wang, B. Zhu*, and J.Q. He*, Realizing high thermoelectric performance in N-type Bi2Te3 compounds by Sb nano-precipitates, Journal of Applied Physics, 130(2021) 135103(PDF)
238. F. Yang, H. Zhao, W. Wang, L. Wang, L. Zhang, T. Liu, J. Sheng, S. Zhu, D. He, L. Lin, J.Q. He*, R. Wang * and Y. Li * Atomic origins of the strong metal–support interaction in silica supported catalysts, Chemical Science, 12(2021)12651 (PDF)
237. Y. Lu, X. Li, K.F. Cai*, M. Gao, W. Zhao, J.Q. He, and P. Wei* Enhanced-Performance PEDOT:PSS/Cu2Se-Based Composite Films for Wearable Thermoelectric Power Generators, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13(2021) 631 (PDF)
236. P. Musavigharavi, F. Kurnia, L. Xie, C. Park, Y. Ng, J. Q. He, J. Hart, and N. Valanoor* ZnS-GaP Solid Solution Thin Films with Enhanced Visible-Light Photocurrent, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 4(2021)10756-10761 (PDF)
235. Q. Gao, W. Wang, Y. Lu, K.F. Cai*, Y. Li, Z. Wang, M. Wu, C. Huang, and J.Q. He*, High power factor Ag/Ag2Se composite film for flexible thermoelectric generator, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13(2021)14327 (PDF)
234. T. Kapanya, B.B. Jiang, J.Q. He, Y. Qiu, C. Thanachayanont, and T. Sarakonsri*, A Combination of Point Defects and Nanosized Grains to Minimize Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Sn and Se Co-doped CoSb3 via Mixed Ball Milling and Spark Plasma Sintering, Surface Review and Letters, 28(2021)2150089 (PDF)
233. H. Liang, Q. Lou, Y.-K. Zhu, J. Guo, Z.-Y. Wang, S.-W. Gu, W. Yu, J. Feng*, J.Q. He*, Z.-H. Ge*, Highly Enhanced Thermoelectric and Mechanical Properties of Bi-Sb-Te Compounds by Carrier Modulation and Microstructure Adjustment, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13(2021)45589 (PDF)
232. X.Xu, J. Cui, L.W. Fu*, Y. Huang, Y. Yu, Y. Zhou, D. Wu*, and J.Q. He* Enhanced thermoelectric performance achieved in SnTe via the synergy of valence bands regulation and Fermi level modulation, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13(2021)50037-50045 (PDF)
231. L. Hu, Y. Luo, Y. Fang, F. Qin, X. Cao, H. Xie, J. Liu, J. Dong, A. Sanson, M. Giarola, X. Tan, Y. Zheng, A. Suwardi, Y. Huang. K. Hippalgaonkar, J.Q. He, W. Zhang, J. Xu, Q. Yan*, and M.G. Kanantzidis* High thermoelectric performance through crystal symmetry enhancement in triply doped diamondoid compound Cu2SnSe3, Advanced Energy Materials, 2021(2100661) (PDF)
230. X. Qi, Y. Yu, X. Xu, J. Wang, F. Zhang, B. Zhu, J.Q. He,* X. Chao, Z. Yang,* D. Wu,* Enhanced thermoelectric performance in GeTe-Sb2Te3 pseudo-binary via lattice symmetry regulation and microstructure stabilization, Materials Today Physics, (2021)100507 (PDF)